Innovation, Best Practice and Sustainability in New Zealand’s Primary Sector
A cherry orchard and packhouse uses improved post harvest handling systems
Farmers work with scientists to help them adapt to a changing climate
Students at Waihi College compare carbon levels of different soils
A lettuce and carrot grower uses GPS technology to improve efficiency
Isolating milk proteins for fighting mastitis in dairy cows and for human health
Environment Award Winners convert to organic dairy production
A large scale high-tech ram breeding business
Selective breeding of oysters improves harvest speed and size for oyster farmers
An award winning supplier of Angus Beef from the Pouto Peninsula
A machine developed to strip grapevines and save time in vineyard maintenance
A joint venture to build a dam supplies two dairy farms and a Fonterra factory
Ongoing efforts to control wilding pine trees in the Marlborough Sounds
A Community Pest Control Area operates between landowners and regional council
Research and information sharing by NZ Organic Avocado Growers Group
Chris Dawkins takes a tour around his high performance farm
A good environmental approach to an intensive beef grazing system
A government and industry project to reduce chemical residues on fruit
A young farmer wins an award for tree planting and environmental work
Sustainable farming at Trellinoe
Producing fine micron merino wool on a high country station
Silver Fern Farm Hawke's Bay Farmer of the 2009
Former dairy farmers switch to grapes and olive production
A trial by an action group to combat the clover root weevil
Selective breeding of mussels produces superior yields
Measures to alleviate the effect of ongoing drought
Stock stress levels are measured using infrared thermography at AgResearch
Sustainable farming on a High Country Station
A training facility for people with intellectual disabilities
Tools for viticulturists and winemakers incorporating organic systems
Research into the effect of rising CO2 levels in the oceans
A new centre for the study of reproduction and genomics
Rabbit control calls for a multi-faceted approach at Ardgour Station
Glazebrook Te Tua Station
Identifying and preventing the spread of a plant pest
Robert Carter creates a whole farm plan with "One Plan"
A new dairy research farm for AgResearch
A study looking at the possible effects of climate change in vineyards
Reducing nitrogen run-off from a farm near Lake Taupo
Organic sheep and beef farming and marketing
A research programme on affordable, low environmental impact fuels