Innovation, Best Practice and Sustainability in New Zealand’s Primary Sector
Paul Olsen is a Young Farmer making the most of his opportunities in the primary sector
A PGP programme (High Performance Manuka Plantations) for erosion prone country
Growing cherries for export and the local market
Growing blueberries for fresh, process and pick-your-own in Waikato
Soft fruit harvest and packing technology developed by Geoff and Alison Furniss
Bruce McCallum is managing director of a co-operative olive press processing high quality oil
An orchard and store that has survived by adapting to changing consumer tastes
Patrick Malley was the winner of the nationwide contest for young horticulturists
High value pine nuts are being produced in Marlborough
The potential for walnuts as a tree crop in Canterbury is explored
A business extracting maximum value from walnuts
Te Mata grows around 1,000 tonnes of mushrooms each year for sale around the North Island
A boutique lavender oil business sits within the Two Paddocks vineyard operation
Preserving heritage fruit trees in Southland, and a grafting demonstration from Robert Guyton
Ointments and skincare products from herbs grown at Millstream Gardens
The Otago region supreme award winner in the Ballance Farm Environmental Awards
Growing native plants for riparian planting and community restoration projects
A PGP programme to address irregular biannual crop bearing of avocado trees
Supplying tulip bulbs to the nothern hemisphere in the off-season
Automated precision weeding for squash and other crops developed by Andy Lysaght
Avocado harvesting and marketing companies work together to grow the avocado markets
Growing and processing figs and marketing fig products
A new approach provides more effective avocado orchard management
Producing phytopthera resistant avocado trees through micro-cloning
Winner of a Green Agriculture Innovation Award
The tamarillo industry is bouncing back with better techniques to manage the psyllid pest
Propogation and new plant varieties at Lyndale Nurseries
Tree planting and athlete accomodation have been added to a hydroponic lettuce business
From selling fresh limes at the farmers market, a couple added value by additional processing
An electrician and a foodie have begun a business with chillies and capsicums
Plant & Food Research with Otago University is speeding development of new onion cultivars
Kay Baxter and Bob Corker are preserving and educating people about heritage plants
The nursery that helped the kiwifruit industry bounce back from the effects of Psa
Expansion at the organic Zealong Tea plantation and tea house
Yummy Fruit
Plant & Food Research has bred new varieties of pear in a joint venture called Prevar
A nursery supplying local native plants for restoration planting
Julian Raine is a fruit grower and the president of Horticulture New Zealand
An alternative approach to controlling pests and diseases at the Future Farming Centre
Growing peony flowers for floristry and creating products from peony plants for health